THE clubhouse at Keynsham Bowls Club was as active as anticipated in the run-up to Christmas.
For our social event at the end of November, we welcomed Maddie DeFazio, whose mum and dad, Sally and Nigel, are club members.
She gave a talk entitled ‘Maddie’s Adventure’ about her experiences rowing across the Atlantic last year with two crew-mates – from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua in the Caribbean.
Individuals had to apply to take part in the event and were then placed into teams with people they had not met.
Maddie described her crew’s battles with the elements – huge waves plus monsters from the deep that did not always appreciate their presence. It was a fascinating evening, and the club gave Maddie a cheque towards the charity she supports.
The following morning was the club AGM, when about 70 members gathered to approve roles for the 2025 season. There were 36 vacancies, which shows how much activity is involved in running a thriving bowling club.
John Nix and Margaret Church were re-elected as president and vice-president, whilst Steve Coles took the chair’s role from Ian Tweedie, who was standing down.
David Hockney continues as secretary, and discussions are in hand to fill the role of treasurer, as Roger Price also retired. Tony Hunter remains in the role of match secretary. Lynne Pearce stays as ladies’ captain whilst Paul Matthews becomes the men’s captain.
Early in December, we held our monthly coffee morning. This included the annual Christmas draw, when a sizeable sum was raised for club funds.
Members of Keynsham Bowling Club invite anyone, young or old, who wants to consider the noble art of bowling to contact the club – visit
Mike Barrow