A ‘period of turbulence’ in staffing has affected a Kingswood primary school’s aim to improve its quality of education, inspectors say.
Ofsted visited Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary in October and the report has just been published.
It said: “The school is ambitious for all pupils to receive a high-quality education. It has an accurate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses. It recognises that there is more work needed to ensure that pupils build their knowledge well across the curriculum.”
The inspectors rated the 171-pupil school as Requires Improvement overall but judged it Good for children’s behaviour and attitudes and personal development. They said pupils were happy and had positive attitudes towards their learning and towards each other and described the atmosphere in classrooms as calm and purposeful.
Other comments include: “Pupils are keen to learn. They understand the school’s values and ethos”.
“Pupils recognise that everyone is unique and that all are equally important.”
“The school has high expectations for pupils’ behaviour.”