10k team runs for forest school dream

STAFF and parents at Christ Church Hanham CE Primary are coming together to raise money to enable the development of a new Forest School area in the school grounds. 

The plan will create space for pupils to learn from, and about, nature with a revitalised pond area and planting of trees and vegetation to attract wildlife. In addition, a fire pit will be installed. The existing outdoor structure will be renewed and incorporated into the new area to provide pupils with a dedicated outdoor classroom.

Currently, the youngest children at the school use another part of the school grounds for weekly outdoor learning. However, in line with the school’s vision of ‘Nurture-Grow-Flourish’, headteacher Neil McKellar-Turner is keen to have a dedicated outdoor learning environment that all pupils can benefit from all year round. 

The school needs to raise about £30,000 for the project.  The Friends of Christ Church have teamed up with the school’s staff running club to put forward a CCH Running Team for the Bristol 10K this month.

A spokesman said: “This is a fantastic demonstration of what it means to be a member of Team CCH. Community is one of our key drivers and underpins a lot of our work in school. It is fantastic to see staff and parents working together in this innovative way in order to develop an exciting, inspiring and long-lasting new area of school which will be enjoyed by all children for many years to come!”