MP  Chris steps up Green Belt battle

KINGSWOOD MP Chris Skidmore has launched a petition opposing the latest attempt to build on Hanham Green Belt.

Mr Skidmore has also written to the chief executive of South Gloucestershire Council, Dave Per-ry, calling on the authority to ensure it maintains its green belt protection. 

This follows proposals revealed last month for developers Redrow to build 149 houses on fields known as The Batch, near Hencliffe Way.

Mr Skidmore met residents at the site last month.

He said: “Ever since I became MP for Kingswood, and indeed since I was the Conservative can-didate here back in 2008, for fifteen years I have fought alongside local residents to protect our local green belt land, and maintain the legal protection that this must bring to our countryside. 

“There is no point having green belt status if it can’t be protected, and I am determined that this latest battle with developers must be overcome. There are other areas of non-green belt land and brownfield land that must be regenerated first- for example the former Tesco site in Hanham. 

“Developers simply can’t be allowed to cherry pick land that is vital for biodiversity and nature, and to keep nature alive in suburban areas. I am proud to have never lost a battle when it comes to protecting our green belt, and I am determined that for as long as I am MP for my home area, that green belt will be protected. I hope all residents will feel able to join me, local councillors and the Hanham District Green Belt society in defending our green belt land.”

The devewlopers carried out a three-week consultation on their plans last month. No planning application has been submitted for the site yet. 

Campaigners are concerned that a report on South Gloucestershire Council’s website indicated that an Environmental Impact Assessment  into the proposed development would not be necessary.

A petition on the change-org website called ‘Hanham – Say No to Redrow’ has attracted more than 1100 signatures.

Mr Skidmore’s petition can be found on his website.