Cabot Learning Federation has appointed its first Wellbeing Coordinator – who takes up her post with the ambition of helping the CLF to lead the education sector in its wellbeing and mental health support.
The trust – which runs 22 schools across Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset, including Hanham Woods Academy – has named wellbeing of staff and students as one of seven key pillars in its strategic ambitions between now and 2030.
That emphasis on staff and student health includes pledges to offer day-to-day support, while also making help available for people who may be struggling with their physical or mental health.
That has led to the creation of a new role to oversee the trust’s offering and guide staff to the help which is available.
Helen Hetherington is based at Uphill Village Academy in Weston-super-Mare, where she juggles a number of roles including HLTA, learning mentor, parent support, safeguarding and mental health lead.
Helen – who has worked in education for nearly 30 years and at Uphill for 18 – is looking forward to getting stuck in to a role which she believes has taken on even greater importance as people’s wellbeing focus has shifted irrevocably in the wake of the pandemic.
Helen said: “Wellbeing has always been at the heart of my ethos for supporting children, young people, and colleagues. I passionately believe that we can only achieve and be our best person if we are healthy, both physically and mentally. “