Boom boom! Basil Brush and friends prove popular

A HOST of comedy characters popped up on Hanham High Street to raise money for a primary school.

The annual scarecrow trail organised by the Friends of Christ Church CE Primary attracted 29 entries. Twelve were made by staff and children at the school and the rest by parents and community groups such as the Guides and a local pre-school.

Designs included Basil Brush, Olaf, Donald Duck, Ant and Dec, Mr Bump and Mr Tickle. 

Shops and cafes supported the event by displaying scarecrows and families enjoyed guessing all the characters, competing for a prize of a family ticket to Noah’s Ark.

Refreshments were served at the community centre.

The event on May 20 and 21 followed a successful effort in the Bristol 10k by a team of teachers and parents running for the Friends in the Bristol 10K and raising more than £2,000 towards their £20,000 target for a Forest School in the school grounds.