Men urged to get free cancer check 

A SUPPORT group for prostate cancer patients is calling on men in the city aged 40 and over to come to a free testing day this month.

Prospect has organised the event at Rose Green Centre in Gordon Rd on October 14 to offer Prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, tests.

Prospect’s Mark Wilcox said: “Unlike some other cancers there is at present no mandatory testing available on the NHS for prostate cancer, rather it is up to the individual to go and see their GP and request a test.”

“Prostate cancer currently affects almost 1 in 8 men and the risk increases to 1 in 4 for black men. It is a slow-growing cancer, often without symptoms, but can be successfully treated – the earlier

the better.”

Blood tests taken on the day will be taken by medical professionals and analysed. Men who have a test will be told the results, and whether any follow-up action is needed, confidentially.

There will also be stalls offering advice and opportunities for conversations, as well as refreshments at the event, which runs from 10am to 4pm.

Tests need to be booked in advance online at, as there will be no walk-in appointments on the day.

For more details about the event email or call 0800 035 5302.

More details on Prospect can be found at