Ofsted: School gives pupils ‘a flying start’

CHILDREN feel loved, cared for and flourish at Christ Church CofE Primary School in Hanham.

That’s what parents and carers told Ofsted – and the inspectors agreed, upgrading the school to a judgement of Good.

The school’s early years provision was rated Outstanding, while quality of education, leadership and management, behaviour and attitudes and personal development were all said to be Good.

The inspectors, who visited the 300-pupil school for two days in June, said in their report:  “Staff know the pupils and their families well. Over time, pupils become confident, independent thinkers who are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

“Leaders, including governors, have high expectations for pupils’ learning”.

 Headteacher Neil McKellar-Turner said:  “Since my arrival in November 2019, my staff team and I have been very clear in the type of school we wanted to create- one that provides all of our pupils with an excellent educational experience.

“As a school team, we set out our vision and journey for creating a place of excellence in Hanham. Our vision, (co-constructed with parents, governors and staff), of Nurture with love- Grow through knowledge and wisdom- Flourish in hope is the central to all that we do. This vision has driven our improvement journey at pace, enabling us to focus on the most important aspects of school: improving the quality of teaching and curriculum; growing a culture of high expectations, behaviour and respect; ensuring we are a fully inclusive school at the heart of a community; nurturing leaders at all levels to be able to drive sustainable improvement; and providing a centre of education in which staff and pupils feel valued, excited and motivated to grow and flourish. 

“We are delighted that the improvements we have implemented, as part of our ongoing journey to excellence, have been recognised by Ofsted. We are especially pleased that the work that has gone in to ensuring that our Early Years Foundation Stage provides our children with high quality experiences and opportunities has been recognised with an outstanding judgement. We now look forward to continuing our journey further building upon the ‘flying start’ our children receive.”