Last chance to see crib scenes 

A KINGSWOOD woman who holds a display of nativity scenes every year has said this year will be the final exhibition.

Jackie has a collection of 450 nativities from all over the world and puts them on show every December at St Michael the Archangel church, Two Mile Hill.

“They range in size from minuscule to about four feet tall and are made of a huge range of materials including wood, coal, glass, paper, cork, china, fur – to name but a few. They look beautiful in the church setting, with candles and music,” she said.

Jackie started exhibiting in 2004 to raise money for a cancer support group she runs called GOSH (Bristol), which stands for Gastro Oesophageal Support and Help run.  She continued after her husband John, who had oesophageal cancer, died in 2008.

Last year Jackie was ill herself and was unable to open the exhibition, so has now decided this year will be the last, though she will continue with the GOSH group, which meets every two months at the Park Centre.

The nativities, some of which are now for sale, will be on show on Dec 2-3, 9-10, and 16-17, 10am-5pm Saturdays and 10.30am-5pm Sundays.