Club awards Barrie life membership

KEYNSHAM Bowling Club held its annual general meeting in the clubhouse at the end of November, when positions were filled for the 2024 season.

A list of all the roles had been on display for some weeks to seek nominations, each position requiring a proposer and a seconder. 

The three principal offices of chairman, secretary and treasurer were filled by the present incumbents, Ian Tweedie, David Hockney and Roger Price, as were the positions of president and vice president, being John Nix and Margaret Church. 

Tony Hunter was re-elected fixture secretary, Derek Packer as greens manager, Derek Phelps the property manager and Mike Barrow as social coordinator and press and publicity officer. 

Two important positions remain unfilled, as Jan Isles stood down after five years as catering manager and Tony Bevan after eight years as bar manager. 

There were also changes on the playing side, with Carm Riccio standing down after five years as club captain, to be succeeded by Steve Coles. 

Lynne Pearce was re-elected as ladies’ captain, and there is a new men’s A team captain in Geoff Yorath, who succeeded Carm Riccio. 

Barrie Davis continues as captain of the B team, as does Andy Abraham (C team), Mike Barrow (Friday triples), Bob Edge (Somerset mixed) and Alan Portch (Sunday friendlies). 

John Klopcic retired as the Wednesday friendlies captain, to be succeeded by Martin Slade. 

All of those who had stood down were thanked by chairman Ian Tweedie, who also welcomed those stepping in to fill their places. 

Ian also presented Barrie Davis with a certificate of life membership of the club in appreciation of his significant contribution to the game of green bowls in the Somerset area. 

He said that Barrie had been Keynsham club chairman from 2011 to 2021, president of the Somerset Bowling Association in 2015, and was currently chairman of the Bristol and District Men’s Thursday League, as well as chairman of the Somerset Patrons Association. Barrie expressed his thanks for the award and said he hoped to be bowling for many years to come.

Just over 50 members, split into teams of four, met in the clubhouse for a quiz evening, with questions on history, music, sport and food of the world. 

The winning team of Sally DiFazio, Nigel Wright, Pat and Don Weston competed under the name of Paphos because of their love of that Cypriot town, which had been the base for a club bowling holiday earlier in the year. 

Our December coffee morning attracted over 75 members, with the Christmas raffle raising over £300 for club funds.

Mike Barrow