‘Suspicious death’of man, 54, in Longwell Green

POLICE say enquiries into the suspicious death of a man in Longwell Green are continuing.

Mark Torrington, 54, was found dead at a property on Bath Road on Sunday, January 14.

A 73-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder the same day and has since been released on conditional bail.

A force spokesman said: “Mark had been reported as a missing person on Friday and officers were searching for him when we received a call about his death.

“A forensic postmortem examination has taken place but the findings were inconclusive. Further tests will now be carried out to try and determine how Mark died and whether there was any third-party involvement.

“Sadly, it’s believed Mark died at least several days before the call was made to police which is one of the reasons why detectives are treating his death as suspicious.”

Detective Inspector Lee Stefano said: “Mark’s tragic death is still unexplained and it is likely to be some time before we receive the results of the additional postmortem tests.

“His family are being kept informed about our investigation by a trained family liaison officer, who is also providing them with support. We remain concerned about the nature of Mark’s death and will do all we can to establish the answers his family deserve.”

Anyone with information which could help out inquiry is asked to contact the police via 101. Anyone with any concerns about the incident is encouraged to contact their neighbourhood policing team via the same number.