Page Park Bowling Club

PAGE Park Bowls Club is holding its popular course to train new bowlers to basic level from April.
The course is open to anyone aged 12 and over, and will be held at the club for seven consecutive Saturdays from April 20, from 10am to noon.

Five qualified Bowls England coaches will lead the course, with all equipment provided except for flat-soled shoes, which people need to bring.

There will be an initial registration fee of £5 and a charge of £5 per session to cover costs.
To register your interest, please contact Don Willcox on 07718 306623 or email

People who take part do not have to join the club, but all members need to have completed the course.

Applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more details visit

Keynsham Bowling Club

ANYONE walking near Keynsham Bowling Club on a Saturday late in January would have heard more than 50 members shouting encouragement to the horse on which they had placed their bet.

The club was holding its first race evening, arranged by club secretary Dave Hockney and his family. David was on the PA, hosting the evening, while the technology was masterminded by his son Duncan.

There were eight races on video, each featuring eight horses that were introduced by a form statement. The form did not necessarily reflect the order in which the horses finished!

Money was paid out on the first two in each race, and the winnings were calculated by Duncan and his wife Hann and paid out by treasurer Roger Price.

The evening included a superb supper of chilli and rice cooked by David’s wife Ann. All who attended agreed it was an enjoyable evening, which the club hopes can be repeated.

The winter months have been kind to our green, which under the management of green manager Derek Packer is looking superb.

Members are looking forward to the green’s opening in mid-April. Until then, there are still social events to attend, plus monthly coffee mornings.

Mike Barrow

Downend Short Mat Bowls

DOWNEND Short Mat Bowls Club continues to thrive and now has a team – Downend Colts – in the Bristol and District Short Mat Bowls league.

The team really hit the ground running, winning their first four matches, but came a cropper against the two Winterbourne teams before picking up more points with a narrow win at Whitchurch.

A visit to Midsomer Norton saw another defeat, to leave the Colts with five wins and four losses resulting in a current mid-table position.

The club has also entered teams in various Avon competitions held at Bristol Bowls Centre, including the Avon Challenge Cup where the Club narrowly beat Whitchurch in the first round.

The club meets on Monday and Thursday afternoons in Christ Church Parish Hall and is open to new or experienced bowlers, those who want competitive bowling or those who just enjoy social bowling.

Anyone interested in joining the club should call 0779 136 6894 or find us on Facebook.