Choir celebrates victory

THE choir from The Meadows Primary School, Bitton,  won first place in the Thornbury Eisteddfod performing arts competition.

The choir is made up of children from Years 3 to 6 and this was their first competition.  

Teacher Cara Clark said:   “I was absolutely delighted with how well the children performed both in their singing and deportment. They have worked so hard during the past weeks and I was extremely proud of every single one of them. Lovely comments from the adjudicator included ‘This was polished and musically aware singing’ and ‘A poised and evocative performance’.”

The choir performed Double Trouble from Harry Potter and The Rose by Bette Midler. 

Daisy Stone in Year 5 was thrilled. She said: “I love being part of the school choir and was so happy to have won our first competition!”