Big fines for littering

THREE people have been prosecuted after South Gloucestershire Council street enforcement officers caught them dropping  litter.

Sam Murphy, of Downend Road, Kingswood, was ordered to pay a total of £867 after street enforcement officers saw him discard a drinks can on Regent Street in Kingswood. He was handed an FPN and because he made no attempt to pay the penalty, the case was progressed to court. Murphy failed to attend Bristol Magistrates Court and was found guilty in his absence and handed a £220 fine, ordered to pay £559 in costs and an £88 victim surcharge, totaling £867.

Sarah Hopkins of High Street, Staple Hill, was ordered to pay a total of £867 after street enforcement officers observed her throw a cigarette down a drain on Staple Hill High Street. Officers spoke to her and she was handed a fixed penalty notice (FPN). A subsequent check revealed that she had made no effort to make any payment against the penalty, so the case was progressed to the court. Hopkins failed to attend Bristol Magistrates Court and was found guilty in her absence and handed a £220 fine, ordered to pay £559 in costs and an £88 victim surcharge, totaling £867.

 Charles Holly, of Gill Avenue, Fishponds, was ordered to pay a total of £850 after officers observed him throw a cigarette down a drain on Moravian Road, Kingswood. When challenged about the offence, he accepted his actions and was handed a FPN. However, he failed to make any payment against the FPN so the case was progressed to court. Holly failed to attend Bristol Magistrates Court and was found guilty in his absence and handed a £220 fine, ordered to pay £542 in costs and an £88 victim surcharge, totaling £850.