Muriel honoured

A VOLUNTEER who has worked for 20 years in the café at Cossham Hospital run by the League of Friends has been given a long serice award.

Muriel Carter received the accolade at a celebratory afternoon tea at The Bristol Hotel for volunteers from Cossham and Southmead Hospitals.

She said: “I am one of life’s volunteers. I always volunteer for everything. You know that when you are volunteering you will make a little bit of a difference.” 

Another award went to Sandra Stocker in recognition of the 25 years she has managed the League of Friends café at Southmead Hospital.

More than 350 people give their time to support the two North Bristol NHS Trust hospitals, collectively donating more than 28,000 hours during 2022.

Among the volunteers at the event were representatives from both Southmead

Hospital and Cossham Hospital League of Friends, Move Makers, Patient Befrienders, Ward Support volunteers, Patient and Carer Partners, Kidney Peer Mentors, Alcohol Peer Mentors, Major Trauma Volunteers, Purple Butterfly end of life

volunteers, Pets as Therapy and Bristol Sight Loss Council.

Professor Hams said: “I volunteered at the start of my career and recognise the value of being a volunteer and the huge contribution every one of our volunteers makes.”